Congratulations to Dr. Wencan Jin, Dr. Ryan Comes, and Chunli Tang on their recent work in American Chemical Society Publications! Their work highlights the effects of strain in Strontium Hafnate. To learn more, visit our publications page.
Author: hnm0037
Chunli Tang Publishes Another Paper, and It Got Featured!
Chunli’s commendable work on chiral phonon observations in achiral monolayer molybdenum Disulfide has been featured in Physical Review B! To learn more, please visit the publications tab.
Chunli Tang Publishes Two Papers
Congratulations to Chunli Tang for his recent publications in Advanced Materials and Physics Reports journals! You can see more publications under the publications page.
Dr. Wencan Jin Awarded with NSF CAREER Grant
Dr. Wencan Jin has been awarded with NSF CAREER grant! You can find more information in the funding page.
Release of SHG Simulation Package
Chunli Tang and Hussam Mustafa under the supervision of Dr. Wencan Jin have released the first version of their simulation package! Now available in stores near you! (Under research tab)
Update available!
Graduation of Matt Galinger!
Matt Galinger was an undergraduate at Auburn University working under Dr. Wencan Jin. He got accepted into his preferred school of University of Tennessee under the guidance of Dr. Jie Zhuang. He will be studying environmental data analytics at the start of Fall 2023!